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This delicious crumble is made with gluten-free oats. Recently it was discovered that oats don’t actually contain gluten – but because they are generally produced and packaged alongside other gluten products, especially wheat, they often have a certain amount of gluten in them. Great news! I’ve always loved oats but have definitely experienced reactions from them in the past. But Coeliac UK have confirmed that oats are naturally gluten-free, within their parameters of less than 2 parts in 1 million (although not all organizations agree). For me, the gluten-free oats you can now get are definitely ok, and I don’t get any reactions. My favourites are made by Nairns and you can find them in most supermarkets and health stores.

This is a great recipe for everyone, especially little ones. I’ve made the crumble with honey and apple juice instead of sugar, so it won’t cause a ‘sugar hit’. Oats are one of the best slow-release carbohydrates so they helps concentration and brain function. Hazelnuts are particularly rich in omega-9 fatty acid, also known as oleic acid, which boosts the immune system. And the humble apple is a brilliant fruit. High in antioxidants, including vitamins B3, C and beta-carotene, it’s also packed full of a soluble fibre called pectin, which helps to regulate your digestion. Make sure you use lovely ripe blackberries, preferably picked fresh on a leisurely Sunday afternoon…

gluten-free, dairy-free, yeast-free, soya-free, egg-free, seed-free

Serves 4     Preparation time 10 minutes     Cooking time 35 minutes

  • 2 apples, peeled, cored and cut into chunks
  • 225g/8oz/scant 2 cups blackberries
  • grated zest of 1 lemon
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp apple juice
  • 60g/2¼oz/½ cup hazelnuts, chopped
  • 175g/6oz/2 cups gluten-free porridge oats
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 3 tbsp apple juice
  1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/Gas 4. Put the apples and blackberries in a shallow baking dish and sprinkle with the lemon zest and juice. Drizzle over the honey and apple juice.
  2. Mix together the hazelnuts, oats, oil and apple juice, then spoon the mixture over the fruit and press down gently.
  3. Bake for 30 minutes until golden brown, then serve.
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